Onify Hub API 2.1.1 released

Changelog from version 2.0.0 to 2.1.1


improved: add new config flag to disable unassigned shards es health check
fix: import custom string not updated
fix: don't pause process on user task
fix: workflow cron schedule parsed with UTC


fix: flow output parameter script errors are caught
fix: add new properties to workflow and process mapping
log: move log when starting reindex
added: Flow beta


improved: reindex
fix: no more mail after reindex
fix: add state list to process if missing
fix: default state to empty array


doc: add descriptions to api payload and settings
doc: update some system setting descriptions
fix: allow public and files swagger
fix: disallow upserting item without type or name
fix: do not throw error when handlebar function is missing
fix: initialize with license key sets license key
fix: invalid casing in string form_items_not_found
fix: process camelCase startDate to flat startdate
fix: set basic auth to deploy endpoint
fix: update system settings description in db if changed
fix: use commit message when managing git resources
improved: string import


fix: reset git communication on successful sync


fix: connect to elasticsearch before syncing resources


fix: allow app admin token to import audit
fix: return relative nexturl on item search when api call is proxied


fix: upload resource as stream or with content
fix: git sync edge case where remote tracking branch and branch differ
fix: return error if git sync fails when calling sync resources


fix: remove resource directory commit message with author


fix: null check role to lower case function


fix: rename workspace selectFields to fields
added: add include exclude fields to workspace
added: add t and translate handlebars helpers
added: export workspace items filters selected fields
added: support handlebars in workspace select fields
added: use include/exclude when fetching workspace item
added: use settings for git config user and email
fix: add domainadmin role to migrated admin users
fix: allow api admin token to update user
fix: allow templating in workspace searchtext
fix: case insensitive username when updating user with username
fix: default resource user and email in development env
fix: failing worker tests due to missing resources dir
fix: inlcude item key in when getting workspace item
fix: item migration handles type with uppercase and invalid chars
fix: migration v1 defaults audit to migrated users
fix: renamed templating helper ifIn to includes
fix: return strings even if es in not responding
fix: sso login created user defaults audit to true
fix: stop reading git log for all files in resources
fix: use data folder as default in production
fix: use new index create function
fix: worker works even if git is not installed
fix: workspace optional icon and reset selected fields
improved: git settings handling, return 400 if setting is invalid but still saved
improved: resources
improved: upgrade and initialize using new leaderelection


fix: item migration handles type with uppercase and invalid chars
fix: item.type is also cleaned and lowercased


fix: workspace optional icon and reset selected fields
fix: workspace fields not reset when empty
fix: workspace icon is optional
fix: workspace fields hidden when listing


added: workspace select fields


fix: clear invalid passwords when migrating
fix: keep bulksupported in action if already boolean
fix: silent decryption failures for password and secrets
fix: log migration start and error if failed


improved: cleaner exit if environment configuration file was not found
improved: create lock file when setup or migration is in progress
improved: migrate with item typemapping for unknown items
improved: support bulkSize when migrating from v1
fix: add logs directory to source control
fix: change error to warn for update_user_lastactive
fix: early return in block helper ifIn
fix: Elastic Search is now Elasticsearch
fix: git pull interval in minutes
fix: git resources not checked out when adding remote origin
fix: ignore index exists when migrating audit and event
fix: increase es timeout when migrating
fix: log migration progress
fix: make migration indexes unique before creating them
fix: make proper search and scroll calls
fix: modified git file is not reset when syncing
fix: non-deterministic migration feature test
fix: reconnect if all shards are not ready
fix: remove demo and localhost conf
fix: remove untracked directories when syncing git resources
fix: safe compare client secret with authentication header (?)
fix: set default production log level to info
fix: set migration source scroll value to fixed value
fix: skip converting meta fields to date
fix: throw error when some setup process is in progress
fix: worker error when no indices exists
fix: worker logging
improved: address system messages by key
improved: db elasticsearch settings from config
improved: elasticsearch reconnect
improved: git resources
improved: logging
improved: migration: fix shortcut title when migrating from v1
improved: migration: make sure local dates are migrated to utc
improved: migration: validate supplied timezone
improved: move migration to separate commit
improved: no special error response function is needed
improved: remove logging settings, moved to config
improved: separate config from settings


fix: add frontend workspace_results_pagesize and personal_shortcuts
fix: add authorization to strings import endpoint


improved: git resources