Onify Hub API 2.30.0

Changelog for 2.30.0


  • feat: notifications (read more: https://support.onify.co/docs/notifications-2)
  • feat: clean up process history on a daily basis (based on historyttl)
  • feat: add admin delete processes by query endpoint DELETE /admin/processes
  • feat: validate ISO8601 and cron timers in flow
  • feat: add endpoints to signal process with arbitratry payload (PUT /api/v2/my/processes/{id}/signal/{state} and PUT /api/v2/admin/processes/{id}/signal/{state})
  • feat: support for target _modal in bulletins and shortcuts (only supported in Onify Helix)
  • feat: support for target _window for item actions, shortcuts and bulletins (only supported in Onify Helix)
  • improve: PUT /admin/bulk/items now allow creating items when setting allowCreate to true
  • improve: validating bpmn when updating workflow
  • improve: added system user for system tasks
  • fix: stop flow run if invalid timer is encountered
  • fix: POST /admin/bulk/items is overwriting createdate and createdby for existing items
  • fix: upsert items with/without script to PUT /admin/items/{key} when allowCreate is true
  • fix: POST /admin/items shouldn't include script field in API Model


Reindex process and workflow index

In order for historyttl to work after update, reindex (POST /setup/database/reindex) is required for process and workflow index.

Validation of ISO8601 and cron timers

Existing flows that has invalid timers might stop working. This needs to be fixed for the flow to function properly. Running flows will be stopped instead of running "forever" (related to fix: stop flow run if invalid timer is encountered).