Open custom modal in a form without redirecting to it
I have tried to figureout howto open modal in a form in a such way as it works in workspace item listing.
A prefix for a textField element
I created a custom text element for the form with a fixed prefix that signals the user how the should approach the field in question. This could be a nifty feature to implement into the textField elements for example.
Item card and nested json array
Item card cannot show nicely nested array details. My colleague had information that he wanted to show to the end user. I suggested to create a more details button to the item and make a form that would show the more details. This solution we ended up.
How do I add a color picker in a form?
I want to add a color picker in a form. How do I do that?
Format string value to currency?
Is it possible to format a string in itemTemplates to a currency format? etc 29529.7975
to 29 529,80
Does Onify support Prometheus?
I want to monitor Onify using Prometheus (open-source systems monitoring and alerting platform). Is this supported?