Search works differently with mailadresses in /search and /admin/items - is there a setting where we can change this?
These work the same:
/search?term="[email protected]" -> 1 result
/admin/items?term="[email protected]" -> 1 result
Posted by Dennis 9 months ago
How to prevent some attribute not be able to be searched in a workspace?
This is actually not a question. I tried to figure out how to prevent some attribute not to be used in elastic search in a certain workspace. This is how my colleague Eetu Tarkamo figured it out. I was in the correct path and all he had to change in my faulty codeline was "attribute..keyword": "{{}}" to a correct value {{term}}...
Posted by Markus Kalske over 4 years ago
How to sort workspace query results
I don't fiqure out howto put workspace query that would sort all items ie. type
Posted by Markus Kalske over 4 years ago