How can I upload for example a jpg-file with the api?

I get creating a file from a from a base64-encoded dummy-string to work perfectly: ![]( However for the endpoint **upload** I get "Path is required". I try /test, /test/test.txt etc but get the same error. ![]( I'm not even sure what to put in the field "conten"t yet, just trying to get ok on the path first. Ultimately I would like to upload for example a jpg-file. How would one accomplish that? Swagger just says ![]( and doesn't really advice or give example of how to use it or the difference between creating and uploading. :)

How can I call onifyElevatedApiRequest by javascript?

I am trying to replicate this call with the Connector to onifyElevatedApiRequest in javascript? ![]( I assumed this was gonna work: ```Text javascript const forfragan = { url: '/my/config/settings', query: { tag: 'azure' }, role: 'flow' } try { let result = await; ``` but I get "Request failed: Error: Missing authentication (401). Also, what is "role" - it is not in the list of arguments on <> Maybe the Connector automatically includes some header + authorization that is needed to be added manually in js?

How can I use a script in flow to call the httpRequest service?

I have used the service (connector) `httpRequest` in a service task. Is it also possible to call the function from a script (task)?

Blueprint for data mapping in Onify?

"Data mapping is the process of matching fields from one database to another. It's the first step to facilitate data migration, data integration, and other data management tasks." We need to start some data mapping processes between Onify and other systems. Is there a such a blueprint for Onifys standard tables and fields that we can start from? For custom items etc we will of course still have to do it from scratch. B t w, here is such a free such template for Miro: <> ![](