Agents does not respond in time when running nginx ingress
When running Onify Hub behind a nginx ingress (reverse proxy) the agent connects to the agent server but every time we try to run a task we get `The agent did not respond in time`. If we try to go direct from the agent to the agent server using port forwarding (eg. `port-forward deployments/onify-agent-server -n onify 8080:8080`) in kubernetes it works. We also tried Traefik and that work.
Posted by Robert Lundsten over 2 years ago
calico pod-controllern does start after updating microk8s
After a auto update of microk8s it seems that we have a issue with the `calico-kube-controllers` pod. It does not start and says `CrashLoopBackOff`.
$ microk8s.kubectl get pods -n kube-system
calico-node-c7h46 1/1 Running 1 (7m38s ago) 10m
calico-kube-controllers-5ddf994775-gp8cv 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 7 (34s ago) 10m
Posted by Robert Lundsten over 2 years ago