How do I add a shortcut for a specific customer?
We need to create a shortcut for a specific customers, e g with the role: company-customer-xxx.
I am testing it by modifying an existing shortcut and on top of the roles ["Admin", "User-RW"] add the role "Customer: XXX".
However, this does not work - the button is still visible to everybody with User-RW too, as the roles use OR.
I realize adding an extra role to the users, like ShowButtonX, and then adding that role to the users and the button probably solves this.
But the users roles are probably overwritten each time they are indexed/updated and what’s more - this role needs to be added for all new users in that company as well. So that method means changing a lot of the logic in a other places and flows.
It would be so great and simple if we just could add a button and tell that users with the role Admin OR (User-RW AND company-customer-xxx) should see it.
Is there some better way to accomplish this? :)
Posted by Dennis 9 days ago
Maximum number of shortcuts?
Is there a limit to the number of shortcuts on the single Workspace?
Posted by Ari V over 5 years ago