
Dashboards is used to present information in a easy way. It can contain information from multiple sources and gives the user a good overview for eg. an employee or a customer. Onify includes a dashboard editor where customers can design their own dashboards.

Create new dashboard

Create empty dashboard template

For more information about form templates, see sections below.

  1. Go to dashboard templates resources (/admin/resources?activedirectory=templates%2Fdashboard&isdirectoryopen=true)
  2. Right click on dashboard folder and click Create new file
  3. Pick a name for the dashboard template (eg. mydashboard.pug)
  4. Copy this text extends ../views/dashboard/default-dashboard to first row of file
  5. Click Save

Create dashboard configuration

  1. Go to dashboard configuration page (/admin/configuration/dashboards)
  2. Click Create new button
  3. Enter Slug (url friendly name, eg. mydashboard )
  4. Enter Title (eg. My Dashboard)
  5. Enter Description (optional)
  6. Select Template (eg. mydashboard.pug)

That was the minimum setup for a dashboard...

Dashboard templates

For every dashboard, we need dashboard templates (pug). These templates should be placed in the customer-{customer code}-hub-app GitHub repo in /templates/dashboard folder.

Example dashboard

extends ../views/dashboard/default-dashboard

block append dashboardConfig
    width: "large"

block dashboardContent

    name: "image",
    layout: {
      x: '1',
      y: '0',
      width: '3',
      height: '3'
    type: "image",
    nodatamessage: "",
    config: {
      url: "{{user.custom.pictureurl}}"

    name: "name",
    type: "standardheader",
    layout: {
      x: '1',
      y: '4',
      width: '3',
      height: '1'
    config: {
      header: "{{user.name}}",
      subheader: "{{user.email}}"

Dashboard options

Dashboard options are optional options/config.

  • width (default: "standard") - The width of the dashboard. Choose between small, standard or large.
  • dashboardTitle (default: dashboard title) - The dashboard title
  • dashboardDescription (default: dashboard description) - The dashboard description

_Example: Custom title and description and large dashboard

  width: "large",
	dashboardTitle: "Test",
	dashboardDescription: "This is a test"

Dashboard elements

Elements are widgets that should show on the Dashboard.

General settings

Here are some settings that can be defined for all elements.

  • name - Unique name/id for the element
  • type - What type of element it is
  • title (default: none) - Title for the element
  • description (default: none) - Description for the element
  • class (default: none) - Specify a custom css class for the element
  • layout.* - Placement and size of the element, see details below
  • config.* - Element type specific configuration, see each dashboard element type for more details
  • lookup.* - See Lookups section (Lookups)[#lookups]


  • layout.x - is used for left position
  • layout.y - is used for top position
  • layout.width - element width
  • layout.height - element height

Example: Header element that uses lookup to get item data

    name: "element1",
    type: "standardheader",
    layout: {
        x: '0',
        y: '0',
        width: '6',
        height: '1'
    lookup: {
        "type": "item",
        "key": "{{item.key}}"
    config: {
        header: "{{item.attribute['display_name']}}",
        subheader: "{{item.attribute['email_address']}}"

Standard header element


  • config.header - Widget header
  • config.subheader (default: none) - Widget sub-header

Example: Simple header with current logged in users name

    name: "name",
    type: "standardheader",
    layout: {
      x: '0',
      y: '0',
      width: '8',
      height: '1'
    config: {
      header: "{{user.name}}"

Image element


  • config.url - Widget header

Example: Get users custom profile picture

    name: "image",
    layout: {
      x: '0',
      y: '0',
      width: '3',
      height: '3'
    type: "image",
    nodatamessage: "",
    config: {
      url: "{{user.custom.pictureurl}}"

KPI element

More docs coming soon...

Example: Number style

	"title" : "Active assets",
	"data" : {
		"activeassets" : "{{config.api.url}}/api/v1/my/items/itam?term=*&filter=status.name:In%20use&filter=tag:asset",
	"widget" : "kpi",
	"config" : {
		"style" : "number",
		"showmore" : {
			"link" : "/"
		"expression" : "{{activeassets.totalresults}}",
		"color" : {
			"green" : "< 50",
			"red" : ">= 50",
			"yellow" : "> 5000"

Example: Percent style

	"data" : {
		"activeassets" : "{{config.api.url}}/api/v1/my/items/itam?term=*&filter=status.name:In%20use&filter=tag:asset",
		"totalassets" : "{{config.api.url}}/api/v1/my/items/itam?term=*&filter=tag:asset"
	"widget" : "kpi",
	"config" : {
		"style" : "percent",
		"showmore" : {
			"text" : "Active Assets",
			"link" : "/"
		"expression" : "{{activeassets.totalresults}} / {{activeassets.totalresults}} * 100",
		"color" : {
			"#555" : "< 50",
			"#999" : ">= 50"

Conversation element

More docs coming soon...

Example: Get events (like comments) for specific item

    name: "conversation_1",
    title: "Conversation element from result",
    layout: {
      x: '0',
      y: '0',
      width: '4',
      height: '5'
    "lookup": {
      "type": "events",
      "workspace": "{{item.workspace}}",
      "query": "Lorem",
      "item": "{{item.key}}",
      "sort": ["category,asc", "level,desc"],
      "level": "info",
      "tag": "consent",
      "pagesize": 10
    "type": "conversation",
    "config": {
      "fields": [{
        "name": "align",
        "value": "{{event.level}}"
      }, {
        "name": "class",
        "value": "{{event.category}}"
      }, {
        "name": "text",
        "value": "{{event.meta.details}}"
      }, {
        "name": "footer",
        "value": "{{event.timestamp}}"
      }, {
        "name": "maxwords",
        "value": "100"

Example: Static example

    name: "conversation",
    title: "Conversation element static",
    layout: {
      x: '5',
      y: '0',
      width: '4',
      height: '5'
    "type": "conversation",
    "config": {
      "conversations": [{
        "align": "left",
        "class": "test-class-left",
        "text": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.",
        "footer": "Test footer left"
      }, {
        "align": "right",
        "class": "test-class-right",
        "text": "Test text right",
        "footer": "Test footer right",
        "maxwords": 100
      }, {
        "align": "center",
        "class": "test-class-center",
        "text": "This is **help** _text_ Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.",
        "footer": "Test footer center",
        "maxwords": 100
      }, {
        "text": "Test text center",
        "footer": "Test footer center"
      }, {
        "text": "This is **help** _text_"

Actions element

Example: List item actions

      name: "actions",
      class: "transparent",
      layout: {
        x: '0',
        y: '8',
        width: '8',
        height: '1'
      "lookup": {
        "type": "item",
        "key": "{{user.key}}"
      "type": "actions",
      "nodatamessage": "",
      "config": {
        "target": "_self",
        "actions": "item.action | prepareAction : item.key"

Example: Advanced example with translations, excluding actions and adding custom actions

    name: "element6",
    layout: {
      x: '6',
      y: '2',
      width: '6',
      height: '2'
    "title": "<%app.actions%>",
    "lookup": {
      "type": "item",
      "key": "{{item.key}}"
    "type": "actions",
    "nodatamessage": "<%app.filters%> {{item.name}}",
    "config": {
      "target": "_self",
      "exclude": ["dashboard"],
      "actions": "item.action | prepareAction : item.key",
      "custom": [
          "name": "Reset password",
          "url": "/form/demo-passwordreset?item={{item.key}}&workspace={{item.workspace}}",
          "order": 1,
          "target": "_blank",
          "role": [

Attachments element

Example: List item attachments

    name: "attachments",
    layout: {
      x: '6',
      y: '4',
      width: '4',
      height: '2'
    "lookup": {
      "type": "item",
      "key": "{{item.key}}"
    "type": "attachments",
    "nodatamessage": "",
    "config": {
      "attachments": "item.attachment | getField"

Attributes element

Example: List specific item attributes

    name: "general",
    layout: {
      x: '1',
      y: '12',
      width: '10',
      height: '3'
    "title": "GENERAL",
    "lookup": {
      "type": "item",
      "key": "{{item.key}}",
      "workspace": "my-workspace"
    "type": "attributes",
    "config": {
      "attributes": [
        "name": "first name",
        "value": "{{item.attribute.firstname}}"
        "name": "last name",
        "value": "{{item.attribute.lastname}}"
        "name": "user type",
        "value": "{{item.attribute.user_type}}"
          "name": "username",
          "value": "{{item.attribute.adaccount}}"
          "name": "status",
          "value": "{{item.status}}"
          "name": "Employee id",
          "value": "{{item.attribute.employee_id}}"
          "name": "company",
          "value": "{{item.attribute.company}}"
          "name": "email",
          "type": "link",
          "link": "mailto:{{item.attribute.email}}",
          "value": "{{item.attribute.email}}"
          "name": "mobile phone",
          "type": "link",
          "link": "tel:{{item.attribute.mobilephone}}",
          "value": "{{item.attribute.mobilephone}}"

Form element

Example: Embed form and inlcude form parms

    name: "element11",
    layout: {
      x: '0',
      y: '10',
      width: '12',
      height: '3'
    "type": "form",
    "config": {
      "form": "demo-createincident",
      "parms": "title=Problem%20with%20printer&item={{item.key}}&workspace={{item.workspace}}&css=widget-form&embed=embed-page-form-inner"

HTML element

Example: Show item description

    name: "description",
    layout: {
      x: '4',
      y: '1',
      width: '6',
      height: '1'
    "type": "html",
    "lookup": {
      "type": "item",
      "key": "{{item.key}}"
    "nodatamessage": "",
    "config": {
      "content": "{{item.description}}"

Example: Simple HTML text

    name: "element8",
    layout: {
      x: '0',
      y: '6',
      width: '3',
      height: '2'
    "title": "Custom HTML/TEXT",
    "type": "html",
    "config": {
      "content": "<span>Custom html</span>"

Example: List with custom classes

  name: "address",
  title: "Adress",
  class: "address",
  layout: {
    x: '4',
    y: '5',
    width: '4',
    height: '4'
  "type": "html",
  "config": {
    "content": `
      <div class="visiting-element">
          <div class="attr">
                    <span class="name">Address</span>
                    <span class="value">{{item.attribute.visitingaddress}}</span>
                    <span class="name">Zip</span>
                    <span class="value">{{item.attribute.visitingzipcode}}</span>
                    <span class="name">City</span>
                    <span class="value">{{item.attribute.visitingcity}}</span>
      </div>    `

Tags element

Example: List tags for item

    name: "tags",
    layout: {
      x: '1',
      y: '15',
      width: '10',
      height: '1'
    "lookup": {
      "type": "item",
      "key": "{{item.key}}"
    "type": "tags",
    "config": {
      "tags": "item.tag | prepareFilter : 'tag'"

Trafficlight element

Example: Show item status based on custom color

      name: "status",
      layout: {
        x: '10',
        y: '0',
        width: '1',
        height: '1'
      "type": "trafficlight",
      "lookup": {
        "type": "item",
        "key": "{{item.key}}"
      "nodatamessage": "",
      "config": {
        "color": "{{result.item.attribute._status_color}}",
        "message": "{{result.item.status}}"

Listitems element

Example: List tickets for specific person (item)

      name: "tickets",
      layout: {
        x: '1',
        y: '1',
        width: '10',
        height: '3'
      "title": "Tickets (Open)",
      "lookup": {
        "type": "items",
        "workspace": "{{item.workspace}}",
        "query": "filter=tag:incident&filter=owner:{{item.key}}&filter=!status:Closed",
        "term": "*",
        "sort": "key,asc",
        "pagesize": 3
      "type": "listitems",
      "config": {
        "style": "table",
        "showmore": {
          "text": "<%app.seemore%>",
          "link": "/workspace/{{item.workspace}}/search?term=*&filter=tag:incident&filter=owner:{{item.key}}&filter=!status:Closed&filter=!status:On Hold&sort=key,asc"
        "fields": [{
          "name": "number",
          "type": "link",
          "link": "/workspace/{{item.workspace}}/search?term={{result.item.key}}",
          "value": "{{result.item.key}}"
        }, {
          "name": "title",
          "value": "{{result.item.name}}"
        }, {
          "name": "priority",
          "value": "{{result.item.attribute.priority}}",
          "class": "{{result.item.attribute._priority_class}}"
        }, {
          "name": "action",
          "type": "link",
          "link": "/form/demo-itemcomment?title=Comment {{result.item.key}}&description=Incident title: {{result.item.name}}&header=Please%20enter%20comment&button=Add%20comment",
          "value": "Add comment",
          "target": "_blank"